Tuesday, February 24, 2009

re:trouble in xbox...

Well luckily I got the Red ring again that I talked about like 3 posts ago again.


Turns out I got the "Fake RRoD".

The RRoD looks something like this (i'm at school and can't post images here. Just imagine that its an Xbox 360 power button)

RED [Unlit]

I got

RED [Unlit]

Which is: AV Cable Unplugged

Turns out the cable shifted a little because my cat ran behind the TV.

*sigh of relief*

word of the week 2/22/09-3/1/09


Monday, February 23, 2009

Magic 2010

I don't know if you've read it yet, bot WotC has announced some radical new changes to Core Sets today.

Core Sets have always been the laughing stock of Magic Players everywhere. Essentially they are N00b sets that are just reprints of a whole bunch of crappy cards. No more.

This card tells us multiple things.
1. It is a black bordered set, unlike most Cores of the past.
2. It has new cards. (that is a first.)
3. M10? didn't we already have Tenth Edition? (more on this later)
4. No Future Sight frames. (Strictly speaking, this would have been the first set to be able to get them as Tenth Edition was too soon.)
5. Planeswalkers in the flavor text? That means...


Which means Mythic Rares are in the set! (15 of them, 6 of them new). And yes the rest of the Lorwyn Walkers appear too. which means 4 more mythics in the set that have already seen print will appear too. (Shards Walkers I'm looking at you.)

And classics reappear also.




Yes that is Serra Angel at it's original rarity, uncommon. Does this mean we will see Sengir Vampire drop rarity also? And maybe we will see White Knight after his reappearance in Legions.



Magic 2010 is the first of a yearly coreset release. (they Rotate out with Thier respective Blocks now.) next year there will be Magic 2011, etc.

So far the other info is that there will be a new cycle of Dual lands also. And only 8 of the 16 "Survivor Alpha" cards made it to this set. "Survivor Alpha" cards are cards that have been printed in every Core Set. With Tenth Edition the final 16 were:

Air Elemental
Samite Healer
Grizzly Bears
Goblin King
Scathe Zombies
Drudge Skeletons
Bog Wraith
Giant Growth
Giant Spider
Howling Mine
Orchish Artillary
Rod of Ruin
Wrath of God

Now my money is on these eight staying:
Air Elemental
Wrath of God
Giant Growth
Goblin King
Giant Spider
Orchish Artillary
Rod of Ruin

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

trouble in xbox land

Well, as i turned off my xbox360 tonight I saw a glimpse of the future and past.

It might have been a false alarm but i saw it. Again.

The three rings. For the third time.

The dreaded Thing-that-is-not-spoken-of.

The RRoD.

I hope my xbox makes it and is screwing with me.

word of the week 2/15/09-2/21/09


Friday, February 13, 2009

top 10 conflux

These are what i perceive to be the best commons, uncommons, and rares in Conflux.


10. Lapse of Certainty
9. Ember Weaver
8. Exploding Borders
7. Aven Squire
6. Unsummon
5. Kaleidostone
4. Wandering Goblins
3. Fiery Fall
2. Court Homunculus
1. Rupture Spire

Honorable Mention: Wild Leotau


10. Esperzoa
9. Scarland Trinax
8. Paragon of the Amesha
7. Vagrant Plowbeasts
6. Fusion Elemental
5. Dragonsoul Knight
4. Ancient Ziggurat
3. Cumber Stone
2. Volcanic Fallout
1. Path to Exile

Honorable Mention: Unstable Frontier

10. Ethersworn Adjucator
9. Soul's Majesty
8. Obelisk of Alara
7. Maelstrom Archangel
6. Malfegor
5. Noble Hierarch
4. Master Transmuter
3. Banefire
2. Mirror-Sigil Sargeant
1. Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker

Honorable Mention: Progenitus

word of the week


Up and running!

Well I got my computer repaired so I can now post regularly! Yay.